What is a Cryptogram?
A cryptogram is a type of puzzle where a short piece of text is encrypted by substituting each letter with a different letter. Your goal is to decipher the text by figuring out which original letter each substituted letter represents.
An Example
Here we have a cryptogram:
We need to figure out the original letters for each substituted letter: L, Y, X, B, M, and P
Lets start with X - Since we have a double X we can try a common double letter pattern, like LL:
Now we could try and think of a 5 letter word with an LL in the middle, lets try HELLO:
Substituing a letter will also fill it in everywhere it appears in the text, as you can see above with H and E
Once you have correctly deciphered the text it will display like this:
Tips and Tricks
Try to identify the most frequent letters:
- In English the most frequently used letters are E, T, A, O, I, N, and S
- The most common letter in the cryptogram might correspond to E and the second most common might be T and so on.
Identify repeated patterns:
- Look for patterns like double letters. Common double letters in English include LL, EE, SS, OO, TT, and FF.
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